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Putting Your Donation to Work

Donations, unless otherwise designated, benefit the greatest need presented to persons with disabilities within our organization - those that would otherwise go unmet through traditional funding sources.

Greatest Need

While our greatest needs do vary from year to year, a few of our established funds are outlined below.

Employment Services Fund

With your donation we can reach our goal of 80% of persons with disabilities served employed in meaningful jobs in the community by 2017. You donation works to help persons with disabilities learn needed skills to acquire and retain employment in the community.

Learn More About Employment Services

Essential Needs Fund

Far too often we see persons served struggling to meet their most basic needs - a bed, clothing, rent, child care and the list goes on. This fund was established by a handful of donors who wanted to make sure these needs were met. The fund has evolved and grown over time. Today the fund serves many needs expressed by persons served.

The fund is utilized after all other resources have been exhausted. The majority of these requests for funding are for loans which are repaid over a reasonable time at 0% interest. When special circumstances are present, funds are gifted.

Learn More About the Essential Needs Fund

Critical Housing Needs Fund

As with any home, repairs and upgrades are often needed. The difference is the persons we serve are not able to afford such expenses. With your donations we can make a dent in the ever-increasing list of repairs and upgrades to make our homes safer and more accessible for persons with disabilities.

Permanent Endowment

Your gift ensures our critical services are available for persons with disabilities well into the future. Unless otherwise designated, bequests and planned gifts serve to build the permanent endowment.

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